Long Island Orienteering Club
General information
We have 3 meets in the spring and 3 in the fall (see below)
Registration: 10:30 AM until 1 PM / Courses close at 3:30
Meet Fees: $15 non members / $5 members
Annual Dues: $15 electronic newsletter / $20 paper newsletter
Children under 7 are free but must be accompanied by their guardians
CONTACT: Glen Malings / gmalings@gmail.com or John Pekarik / ja171@aol.com
GROUPS: Let us know if you're bringing a group so we can have enough maps and download waivers to save time at registration.
Membership: $15 Annually. Email Glen your info, including email, and...
What is Orienteering? It's like a treasure hunt in the woods using a map to find controls (box shaped flags hanging from trees). We usually have 3 courses: White/easy ~2 miles all controls on trails, Yellow/medium ~3 miles controls can be seen from trail, and Orange-Blue/hard ~4-5 miles with all controls hidden in the woods. You can compete as an individual or a team (usually 2-3 people). For more info, see our Fact Sheet or email Glen (gmalings@gmail.com).
Want more? Click on the video below.
Orienteering improves brain function as well as physical fitness!
Check out this interview with "the brain doctor", David Raichlin, where he mentions Orienteering at 16:10-18:45 of the podcast.
Training Sessions
Glen will be running "Advanced Skills Training sessions" at 9:30am (please arrive by 9:15) before each meet to practice skills for difficult controls such as deciding on an "attack point," pace count & compass reading, collecting features, aiming off, and contouring. Please contact him at gmalings@gmail.com or text 516-477-0852 to sign up.
Upcoming Events
Spring 2025 tentative schedule
Sunken Meadow Saturday 4/26/25
West Hills North Sunday 5/18/25
Muttontown Sunday 6/8/25 Check out this video... youtu.be/lWFEYoWaKu4?si=ZFsFtbDbJIjlBmhd
Recent Events 2024
November 2, 2024
Edgewood Oak brush Plains State Forest
First meet using the new Edgewood / Oak Brush map. Good weather, great turnout!
White, yellow, and a very long blue course.
Sunday, Sept 22, 2024
Courses: white, yellow, orange and red.
(A re-do of the hot June meet)
Saturday, June 22, 2024
Courses: white, yellow, orange and red.
This was a hot day so we'll re-do this meet in September,
Recent Events 2023
Permanent courses
Due to COVID-19 we are introducing permanent courses.
Disclaimer: Orienteering may involve risk to both persons and property. Always exercise common sense and cation. In no way shall Long Island Orienteering Club, nor any volunteer be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, or consequential damages arising out of, or in any way connected with the use of this website or use of the information contained within. Permanent courses are suggested routes at your leisure time, they are not organized events.